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Australia, Cricket, Michael Clarke, News

>Clarke replaces Ponting


Michael Clarke will be replacing Ricky Ponting as the Captain of Australian Cricket Team. He has been appointed as the Captain for Test Cricket and One day Internationals, whereas Cameroon White will remain the Captain for T20 matches.

Clarke has been the vice captain of the squad for a long time and now after Ricky Ponting has resigned he has been chosen to replace the most successful captain. He expressed it as a great honour but at the same time was surprised by Ricky Ponting standing down as the skipper.

The sail won’t be smooth for Clarke as the Australian team is losing its dominance in World Cricket. The performance of team is declining and it will be a big challenge for Michael Clarke to re establish the team led by him.

“I think we have a great opportunity after these three one dayers in Bangladesh to sit down and have a look at our Test cricket and one day cricket and work that out,” Clarke said. “In these one dayers coming up I don’t see any reason why Ricky Ponting won’t bat at No.3, his last game for Australia he scored a hundred, he’s had an amazing career batting at No.3.”

Cricket Australia also named Shane Watson as Clarke’s deputy. He will be supporting Michael Clarke as the Vice Captain.


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